Ayurvedic Medicine is a famous traditional medicine that originated in India. It believes that the universe, including us, is made up of elements such as akash (space), jala (water), prithvi (earth), teja (fire), and vayu (air). Which are said to be one of the factors that influences our holistic health.
Dosha is a term from Sanskrit that’s used in Ayurveda which can be translated as “that which can cause problems.”. Dosha can also have its 3 types — Vata Dosha, Kapha Dosha, and Pitta Dosha, that are believed to be present in a person’s body and mind. Each has an essential role to play in our overall health, and when provoked, each of them tends to cause a specific range of imbalances that 1 deposit casino nz.com can manifest either in the physical body or in the more subtle reals.
2. Kapha Dosha – Kapha dosha on the other hand, commands structure and lubrication in the body. It is fundamentally made up of water and earth elements. Excess Kapha in the mind is also triggered by an overly sedentary lifestyle, a lack of stimulation or interest in one’s life, inadequate exercise, a sluggish digestive fire, or a Kapha-provoking diet.
3. Pitta Dosha – The Pitta dosha oversees insight and intellect, and is fundamentally made up of fire and water elements. When pitta masses in mind, it causes anger, hatred, irritability, frustration, impatience, resentment, envy, judgment, criticism, a rigid attachment to one’s personal beliefs and perspectives, excessive ambition, and a ruthless appetite for power.
Do you want to explore more about your own Dosha? Holistic Ayurveda is here to help you explore your own Dosha and improve your overall holistic health with programs that are tailored to your needs. Visit holisticayurveda.ca for more info.
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