Sleeping for a healthy brain and to prevent diseases. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, sleeping is just as significant as your diet and regular exercise. Hey, It is not called a “beauty rest” for no reason, right? Unfortunately, people are now sleeping less compare to the required number of sleep, and their sleep quality has been compromised. Combine it with a bad diet and lifestyle, you are now exposed to numerous risks and diseases.
Sleeping is where our body repairs and rejuvenates our body’s tissue and cells. It affects almost every type of tissue and system in our body – From our brain to our heart, to our immune system. That is why having enough sleep is very important for your health. Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can increase the risk of heart diseases such as heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke; brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, illness such as diabetes, and even obesity. It can also increase stress and can lead to depression. So
According to the National Sleep Foundation (, which gathered experts from, sleep, anatomy, and physiology, as well as pediatrics, neurology, gerontology, and gynecology to reach a consensus from the broadest range of scientific disciplines. They recommend and summarize the
recommendations to be:
Having enough sleep every night is essential for a person to achieve and maintain optimal health and well-being. Aside from repairing and fixing our body, sleeping also provides a lot of health benefits that we cannot overlook.
How can sleep protect your heart from heart diseases?
A good-quality sleep decreases the work of your heart, as our blood pressure and the heart slows down during the night. It gives it the rest it needed after a long hard day of working. Insufficient sleep can increase the risk of heart problems like high blood pressure or heart attacks. When we do not get enough sleep, our body releases a hormone called cortisol; a stress hormone that triggers our heart to work harder. Just like us, people, our heart needs rest to function properly.
Deep sleep is very essential to manage our brain’s health. It is significant cto several brain functions, like how our nerve cells communicate with each other. Additionally, did you know that our brain remains active while we sleep? When we sleep, our brain removes and the build-up toxins we made while we are awake. Sleeping prevents and maintains the health of our brain for us to continue to function properly.
During our sleep, our body may be resting, but our brain doesn’t; it is still busy processing our day, making connections between events, feelings, and memories. Researchers are calling it “memory consolidation”. Good night sleep is very essential for our brain to make memories and links, getting more quality sleep can help us remember things faster, process things better, and improves our memory.
Did you know that according to studies, obesity is the 5th leading risk for global deaths accounting for 2.8 million deaths for adults each year? This is why learning how to manage our weight is very essential in achieving our overall optimal health.
When we do not get adequate sleep, our body messes with our leptin and ghrelin; hormones that control and manage our appetite. If these 2 go out of balance, our resistance to the temptation of eating unhealthy foods increases. Combined with the sluggish-feeling when we are tired and too lazy to exercise and do physical activity, it’s a sure way of gaining and putting on pounds and pounds of weight. Lack of sleep can affect a person’s desire and will to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which can lead to weight gain, and increases the risk of all sorts of related diseases.
Sleeping problems are actually one of the first signs of depression. And the two go are so closely tied to each other that it can be difficult to differentiate them apart. You can be depressed from too many poor quality sleepless nights, or you might be sleeping so poorly because you are depressed. Together, they can create a struggle that is so hard to manage. Adequate sleep means more to our overall well-being and provides our mind more emotional stability
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