Five Ayurvedic Tips that will Help Keep you Healthy this Fall

October 24, 2022 11:05 pm

The cold and flu viruses are spreading at this time, which means they’re lurking around every corner. What can you do to prevent them? Sure, you can use one of the most conventional means for combating the viruses, like sleeping enough, getting vaccinated, and eating well. But you can also prevent colds and viruses using the ancient wisdom native to Yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda.

This holistic healing system indicates vata (a type of energy governed by air and ether) typically increases in the fall. According to this paradigm, winds or that which moves properties include cold, dry, light, mobile, and erratic. You can see this behavior manifested in the world around you, as the leaves start drying out and becoming more brittle, the temperatures drop (and fluctuate), and the wind picks up.

How do I know if my Vata Dosha has increased?

There are some clear signs that vata dosha is on the rise in your digestive system. Some of the most common symptoms include dry lips, oily skin, dry nasal passages, unintentional flatulence, constipation, gas, bloating, earaches, tinnitus, blocked ears, insomnia, disrupted sleep patterns and problems concentrating. These issues can also be exacerbated by exposure to cold temperatures or stress. People with vata dosha may be more prone to forgetfulness and hyperactivity.

What are some natural ways to avoid a cold and flu?

Less Stress:

Stress can decrease your immune system’s performance, making it more vulnerable to illness. Ayurveda and mainstream medicine agree that reducing stress helps keep your vata energy in check. One way to achieve this during the fall, she says, is to improve your stress levels.

More Sleep:

Boost your sleeping habits. This Ayurvedic teaching is supported by modern scientific study. In 2009, researchers at Carnegie Mellon discovered that individuals who sleep less than a median of seven hours per day were three times as likely to become sick as those who routinely got eight or more hours of sleep.

Practice Ayurvedic Breathing:

Alternate-Nostril Breathing is a vata regulation technique devised by Ayurveda. This is used to reduce excess vata and prevent congestion. Also known as Shodhana.

Ayurvedic Oil Massage:

Surround yourself with warm Ayurvedic massage oil. A full-body Ayurvedic practice known as abhyanga (self-treatment by massage oil, which you can administer yourself) is said to promote relaxation, lower anxiety, and lower excess vata. Ayurveeda recommends using organic sesame oil in autumn, as its warming properties counteract the cold, dry weather.

Relax with Yoga:

Slow down your yoga practice so that it becomes a restorative rather than debauching act. Revitalize yourself and take more time to rest in a relaxed Corpse Pose (Savasana) recommended by yoga school of thought. Yoga asanas are meant to be performed in a slow, unhurried manner so there is no need to rush through your yoga practice.

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